Evaluatieagenda MDL
Lengthening Adalimumab Dosing Interval in quiescent Crohn’s disease patients: the LADI study.
Non-inferiority multicentre randomized controlled trial comparing a short versus a long course of postoperative antibiotic treatment for complex acute appendicitis
CARRIER-trial: Long-term StaphyloCoccus aureus decolonizAtion in patients on home parenteRal nutRition: a randomIzed multicEnter tRial.
Tailored treatment of functional dyspepsia with nortriptyline: a multi-center double-blind placebo-controlled trial (TENDER)
Control Crohn Safe with episodic adalimumab monotherapy as first line treatment trial (Futurelab)
The Driving prEsSure durIng GeNeral AnesThesIa for abdOmiNal surgery (DESIGNATION) trial
Face-to-face vs Online Hypnotherapy for the treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (FORTITUDE)
Dedicated MR imaging vs surgical staging of peritoneal carcinomatosis in colorectal cancer patients; a randomised multicenter trial.
Effectiveness of Somatostatin Analogues in Patients with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia and symptomatic gastrointestinal bleeding, the SAIPAN-trial: a multicenter, randomized, open-label, parallel-group, superiority trial.
Optimising management of children with chronic gastrointestinal symptoms: a randomised controlled trial evaluating the effect of faecal calprotectin on the referral rate in primary care.
The Effect of Appendectomy in Ulcerative Colitis patients with active disease: COlonic Salvage by Therapeutic Appendectomy (COSTA study)