Met welke zorgevaluaties onderzoeken we op dit moment de effectiviteit van de zorg?
Versie: 7 augustus 2023
Low dose cisplatin weekly versus high dose cisplatin every three weeks with radiotherapy in sarcopenic head and neck cancer patients
Transmural collaborative care model for cardiovascular risk management and medication review for patients using antipsychotics (TACTIC): feasibility and evaluation study
SIck Day Rule Implementation to prevent acute Kidney injury in community-dwelling patients (SIDRIK-study)
Optimising medication with focus on deprescribing in frail older people with multidose drug dispensing systems
DISTANCE: Towards patient-led follow-up after curative treatment of stage II and III colorectal cancer
Multi-institutional Evaluation of the Cost-effectiveness of PSMA-PET/CT for the Detection of Pelvic Lymph Node Invasion in Newly Diagnosed Prostate Cancer Patients (PSMA-SELECT)
GO TEST: Vergelijken van klinische uitkomsten en kosteneffectiviteit van 2 veelgebruikte behandelstrategieën voor jicht, de behandel-naar-doel (BND) aanpak en de behandel-naar-symptomen (BNS) aanpak, tijdens initiatie fase (GO TEST OVERTURE studie) van urinezuur verlagende therapie (UVT) en remissie fase onder UVT gebruik (GO TEST FINALE studie)
CURVE: The (cost-)effectiveness of a new patient empowered protocol without routine x-rays for follow-up of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients; a pragmatic randomized trial
EXPRESS: Useful and cost-effective workup in chronic polyneuropathy
FLOW: Flow dysfunction of hemodialysis vascular access: a randomized controlled trial on the effectiveness of surveillance of arteriovenous fistulas and grafts
GENPAD: Cost-effectiveness of a genotype-guided strategy for antithrombotic therapy in peripheral arterial disease.
Gebruik van Procalcitonine-bepaling om therapiefalen te verminderen bij COPD exacerbaties
INSIGHT: In de klinische praktijk de (kosten-)effectiviteit bepalen van gestructureerde nazorg voor lymfklierkanker overlevenden.
Improve diagnostic pathway in acute onset, continuous dizziness
NABOR: Niet-uitgezaaide borstkanker: personaliseren van nacontrole- en nazorgplan
LIMONCELLO: Less Is More: Optimized pharmacotherapy with improved coNtinuity of CarE in hospitaLized oLder peOple
PREPARATION: Kwetsbare patiënten voor wie een operatie gepland wordt; preoperatief multidisciplinair overleg voor betere behandelbeslissingen
GOAL: Opgenomen oudere patiënten met cognitieproblemen: proactieve zorgplanning voor beter passende zorg?
RECOVER: high-Risk prostatE Cancer radiatiOn Versus surgERy
CLEAR-CAD: Pijn op de borst; diagnostiek om vernauwing van de kransslagaders te beoordelen. Eerst een CT-scan maken?
SAFEST: StAtins in Frail oldEr patients with ischemic Stroke or Transient ischemic attack
UPDATE: (Uvb Phototherapy, Dermatology ATopic Eczema): A multicenter randomized controlled trial of narrowband UVB versus optimized topical therapy in patients with atopic eczema.
Tailored intervention focused on self-management and acceptance to improve adherence of patients with haemophilia using prophylactic home treatment
Autologe Vettransplantatie (AFT) bij borstreconstructies na borstkanker; de techniek van de toekomst bij borstreconstructies
The CoSy-trial: Internet-based sex Counseling and chances on natural conception in couples with idiopathic Subfertility: a randomized clinical trial
Behavioural activation delivered by mental health nurses versus treatment as usual for late-life depression in primary care
Walk and Talk; A Randomized Controlled Trial of High Intensive Treatment versus Care as Usual for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.
Rapid Access to Contrast-Enhanced spectral mammogRaphy (RACER): a more efficient work-up of women recalled from breast cancer screening
BeNeDuctus Trial
Equally good, with less: Omitting the sentinel node biopsy in clinically node negative early breast cancer patients
A Randomized Controlled Trial on Prophylactic Platelet Transfusion Prior to Central Venous Catheter Placement in Patients with Thrombocytopenia - PACER TRIAL -
Non-invasive diagnosis and treatment of neonatal jaundice in primary care
Home-based monitoring of ovulation to time frozen embryo transfer in IVF (natural FET study)
Corticosteroids for treatment of chronic subdural hematoma (ChERISH)
Dutch TRUFFLE: the UmbilicoCerebral Ratio in late preterm Fetal Growth Restriction
Effectiveness of Continuous Glucose Monitoring versus stepped Care starting with HypoAware, A Web-Based Psychoeducational Intervention, and adding CGM as needed, in Adult Type 1 Diabetes and Impaired Hypoglycemia Awareness: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Improvement of quality of life with home dialysis compared to in-centre haemodialysis? The DOMESTICO project
Optimising anticoagulant management in frail elderly patients with AF: the FRAIL-AF study
Topical or oral antibiotics for children with acute otitis media presenting with ear discharge?
Efficacy and safety of off label low dose antidepressants (amitriptyline and mirtazapine) for chronic insomnia: a double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial in general practice
Chronotherapy with aspirin for reduction of cardiovascular disease (TImE ASPIRIN)
Adjuvant VACcination against HPV in surgical treatment of ClN-lesions, a Randomized Controlled Trial (VACCIN study)
Prudent medication management in the last phase of life
Effectiveness of Somatostatin Analogues in Patients with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia and symptomatic gastrointestinal bleeding, the SAIPAN-trial: a multicenter, randomized, open-label, parallel-group, superiority trial
Leiden Thrombosis Risk Prevention: Tailored treatment after a first venous thromboembolism (L-TRiP study)
Dose lndividualizAtion of Beta-lactam AntiBiotics in ICU patients: to TDM or not to TDM and the effects on patient outcome
Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation versus conventional immunosuppressive medication in early diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis: an international multicenter, open-label, randomized controlled trial
Safe shortening of antibiotic treatment duration for complicated Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia (SAFE-trial)
EXtended use of FOsfomycin for the treatment of CYstitis in primary care (EXFOCY)
Optimalisatie van de zorg voor verpleeghuisbewoners met pijn (heraanvraag 80-84800-98-22019)
OPERA Netherlands study of Optimal, PERsonalized Antidepressant use
Cognitive control training (CCT) as an add-on intervention in elderly depressed patients
Cost-effectiveness of lower extremity nerve decompression surgery in diabetic subjects
Primary care decision rule for chest pain using the marburg heart score rule and point of care tests (POB HELP)
Is InnFocus Microshunt (IMS) implantation a cost-effective alternative to standard trabeculectomy (TE)?
(Cost)-effectiveness of optical coherence tomography versus regular punch biopsy in the diagnosis and subtyping of basal cell carcinoma: a multi-center randomized non-inferiority trial
Cost-effectiveness of a transmural integrated care program for knee arthroplasty patients in the working population
Optimising management of children with chronic gastrointestinal symptoms: a randomised controlled trial evaluating the effect of faecal calprotectin on the referral rate in primary care
Acute rule out of non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndrome in the (pre)hospital setting by HEART score assessment and a single point of care troponin. The ARTICA randomized trial
The THumb osteoarthritis Exercise TriAl (THETA); a multicenter, randomized controlled trial on exercise therapy with an orthosis compared to an orthosis alone in patients with thumb base osteoarthritis
The (cost-)effectiveness of patient-tailored interdisciplinary Medical Specialist Cancer Rehabilitation compared with usual care in patients with complex adverse effects of cancer or the treatment
The Effect of Appendectomy in Ulcerative Colitis patients with active disease: COlonic Salvage by Therapeutic Appendectomy (COSTA study)
Adjunctive physical exercise to improve psychological and pharmacological treatment outcomes in major depressive disorder: cost-effectiveness analysis alongside a randomised comparison of usual care versus enhanced care
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of internet-based treatment of insomnia in depressed patients treated at a mental healthcare institution
The SIX (Shoulder Injection and eXercise) Study; A pragmatic study for the treatment of persistent shoulder pain in primary care
Time-limited versus open-ended treatment for anorexia nervosa: a health-economic evaluation alongside two paired prospective cohorts
Which patient with an anterior cruciate ligament rupture will need a surgical reconstruction?
Hypnotherapy through self-exercises in children with functional abdominal pain in primary care
Bronchodilators for wheeze in young children presenting to primary care: a randomised, placebo-controlled, multicentre, parallel group trial
6-week mortality in patients treated with azole-echinocandin duo-therapy versus azole monotherapy. A randomized pragmatic superiority trial (DUET study)
Behandeling van complexe appendicitis bij kinderen; directe appendectomie of initieel non-operatieve behandeling?
Cost and health Effectiveness of CT Perfusion for Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke
Samen op weg naar betere besluitvorming over wel of geen dialyse bij de oudere patiënt. (DIALOG: DIALysis or not: Outcomes in older kidney patients with Geriatric assessment)
Comparison of rubber band ligation and haemorrhoidectomy in patients with symptomatic haemorrhoids, a multicentre, randomized controlled trial and cost-utility analysis
A randomised controlled trial comparing Endometrial abLation alone versus Endometrial Ablation and levoNORgesterol releasing intrauterine system combined
De optimale chirurgische strategie voor het creëren van een vaattoegang bij oudere dialysepatiënten
Perfusie MRI van primaire en secundaire hersentumoren
Optimale behandelingsstrategie voor meest voorkomende handfracturen en -luxaties
PhysiotherApeutic Treat-to-target Intervention after Orthopaedic surgery
Prehabilitatie van oudere patiënten voorafgaand aan OK voor verwijdering colorectaalcarcinoom: praktijkvariatie reductie en kosteneffectiviteit
Effectiviteit van nefrostomiecatheter versus double J catheter bij patiënten met obstructief niersteenlijden
Live birth rate after cleavage-stage versus blastocyst stage embryo transfer in good prognosis IVF/ICSI cycles
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