Evaluatieagenda Interne Geneeskunde
Short course aminoglycosides as adjunctive treatment in adults with sepsis
Pharmacokinetic boosting of olaparib to improve exposure, tolerance and cost-effectiveness (PROACTIVE)
Patient guided dose reduction strategy of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in chronic myeloid leukemia: rodeo study
Tailored intervention focused on self-management and acceptance to improve adherence of patients with haemophilia using prophylactic home treatment.
Optimalization of Eculizumab/Soliris® treatment in patients with atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome by means of individually-tailored, personalized therapy.
TailoRing anti-androgEn therapy For metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer based on early tumor response markers In combiNation with drug Exposure measurement (REFINE-project)
MR Proper: Risk assessment and MR imaging in prostate cancer diagnosis: an impact analysis
The (cost)effectiveness of neoadjuvant FOLFIRINOX versus upfront surgery for (borderline) resectable pancreatic cancer.
Effectiveness of Continuous Glucose Monitoring versus stepped Care starting with HypoAware, A Web-Based Psychoeducational Intervention, and adding CGM as needed, in Adult Type 1 Diabetes and Impaired Hypoglycemia Awareness: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Improvement of quality of life with home dialysis compared to in-centre haemodialysis? The DOMESTICO project
Individualized PeMetRexed dOsing in lung cancER and mesothelioma patients to improVE treatment response and allow treatment of patients with impaired renal function – The IMPROVE study (previous acronym: PROPER study).
Pharmacokinetic boosting of osimertinib in patients with non-small cell lung cancer using cobicistat
Leiden Thrombosis Risk Prevention: Tailored treatment after a first venous thromboembolism (L-TRiP study)
DA VINCY trial: optimal Duration of Aprepitant therapy for nausea and Vomiting INduced by ChEmotherapY in children: a double-blind placebo-controlled crossover randomized phase III trial
Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation versus conventional immunosuppressive medication in early diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis: an international multicenter, open-label, randomized controlled trial
Safe shortening of antibiotic treatment duration for complicated Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia (SAFE-trial)
Less is more: deprescribing of glucose lowering drugs in older people with Type 2 Diabetes mellitus
OPTIMIZE trail: OPen label multicentre randomized Trial comparing standard IMmunosuppression with tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetilwith a low exposure tacrolimus regimen ln combination with everolimus in de novo renal transplantation in Elderly patients'.
LT4/LT3 Combination therapy for hypothyroidism (T3-4-Hypo trial)
SONIA - Endocrine therapy plus CDK 4/6 inhibition in first or second line for hormone receptor positive advanced breast cancer
Improving the quality of life of patients with breast cancer-related lymphedema by lymphaticovenous anastomosis (LVA): A randomized controlled trial.
The TRIASSIC study: Multicentre, randomised controlled trial comparing TRansanal minimal InvAsive Surgery (TAMIS) and endoscopic Submucosal dIsseCtion (ESD) for resection of non-pedunculated rectal lesions.
Dedicated MR imaging vs surgical staging of peritoneal carcinomatosis in colorectal cancer patients; a randomised multicenter trial.
6-week mortality in patients treated with azole-echinocandin duo-therapy versus azole monotherapy. A randomized pragmatic superiority trial (DUET study)
DIALOGICA Samen op weg naar betere besluitvorming over wel of geen dialyse bij de oudere patiënt. (DIALOG: DIALysis or not: Outcomes in older kidney patients with Geriatric assessment)
OASIS De optimale chirurgische strategie voor het creëren van een vaattoegang bij oudere dialysepatiënten
Rapid Access to Contrast-Enhanced spectral mammogRaphy (RACER): a more efficient work-up of women recalled from breast cancer screening
Equally good, with less: Omitting the sentinel node biopsy in clinically node negative early breast cancer patients
A Randomized Controlled Trial on Prophylactic Platelet Transfusion Prior to Central Venous Catheter Placement in Patients with Thrombocytopenia - PACER TRIAL -
Cost-effectiveness of lower extremity nerve decompression surgery in diabetic subjects.
(Cost)-effectiveness of optical coherence tomography versus regular punch biopsy in the diagnosis and subtyping of basal cell carcinoma: a multi-center randomized non-inferiority trial